Annual Membership Benefits

  • Primary VAMB Members receive automatic membership in the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MORTGAGE BROKERS (NAMB). 
  • Information on national and state legislative issues and the important decisions being made which affect the mortgage industry.
  • Information about the VAMB's Annual Convention.
  • Access to VAMB Membership Database listing names, addresses, phone number, etc. to communicate with fellow VAMB Members
  • Attending educational, legislative, and social activities throughout the state.
  • Networking with other licensed mortgage brokers, lenders, wholesalers, etc.


VAMB Code of Ethics

  1. Honesty & Integrity VAMB members shall conduct business in a manner reflecting honesty, honor and integrity.
  2. Professional Conduct VAMB members shall conduct their business activities in a professional manner.
  3. Honesty in Advertising VAMB members shall -endeavor to be accurate in all advertisements and solicitations.
  4. Confidentiality VAMB members shall avoid unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.
  5. Compliance with Law VAMB members shall conduct their business in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  6. Disclosure of Financial Interests VAMB members shall disclose any equity or financial interest they may have in the collateral being offered to secure a loan.


Become a member today!


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